Aqua Essence

Sea Turtle Scheduled For Release

Gulf World Marine Institute (GWMI) will be releasing a juvenile Green Sea Turtle back to the St Joe Bay on Sunday,  August 5,  2012 at 10amEST.  The release team will meet at the Scallop Cove BP store on 4310 Cape San Blas Rd Road.  

The Green Sea Turtle came to GWMI on June 27,  2012  there was monofilament line ingested and wrapped around both front flippers.  Radiographs (x-rays) confirmed there was no other fishing gear internally.  Flipper wounds caused from the fishing line were treated with antibiotics.  

Secret Douglas-Holmes Director of GWMI will be organizing the release and will be available for interviews.  


# # #

For more information, please contact:

Pamela George 

Gulf World Marine Institute  850.258.4654 cell


Posted by Vince Bishop - Thursday, 08/02/12, 07:20 AM - Comments - Category: Fauna

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