Aqua Essence

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Bald Eagles Florida is second to only Alaska , among the states, in the number of Bald Eagles. This nesting pair was spotted at St. Joe Beach, across the bay from the tip of St. Joseph's Peninsula. They later flew off towards the peninsula.
Great Blue Heron The largest and most widespread heron in North America, the Great Blue Heron can be found along the ocean shore or the edge of a small inland pond. An all white form is found from southern Florida into the Caribbean, and used to be considered a separate species, the "Great White Heron." This shot was taken from the Port St. Joe "town beach" looking west over to St. Joseph's Peninsula.
Northern Harrier The Northern Harrier is a winter resident here. It is a long-winged, long-tailed hawk of open grassland and marshes, the Northern Harrier forages by flying slowly low above the ground looking for small rodents. It is one of the few raptors in which the sexes look quite different: the male is white below with a light gray back and hood, the female is mottled in browns. This shot was taken looking back towards the bay.