Aqua Essence

Beach Blog

Sea Turtle Release on July 10, 2013

Press release from Gulf World Marine Institute;

Gulf World Marine Institute (GWMI) will be releasing an endangered juvenile green sea turtle back to the Gulf of Mexico on the morning of July 10, 2013 at 10:00a.m. (central time). The release site will be at  the Bay and Gulf County line, also known as Beacon Hill.

In May of this year a local fisherman in the Apalachicola Bay area aided in rescue of a lethargic green sea turtle. This endangered sea turtle was brought to GWMI for rehabilitation. The animal was diagnosed  and treated for pneumonia and shell abscesses due to heavy growth of marine debris.

Gulf World Marine Institute would like to invite the public to view this sea turtle being released back to the Gulf of Mexico. We are inviting the media to this event with the understanding that we will establish an area where the media can film and photograph the release.

Posted by Vince Bishop - Tuesday, 07/09/13, 09:48 PM - Comments -

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